H2O, our new bathroom fittings line.

Xavier Crusells, purchasing director from Elektro3 S.C.C.L points that “H20 will help us to expand the product line in shops where we already have bath accessories and therefore to become a well-known supplier of Hydro and Taps. With an incredible quality-price ratio, we offer a very competitive product which allows to earn more profit margin. We will expand our range soon with more models which are being designed at the moment by our designers.”

Following the new technology trends, we remind you that you can find all our new products in 360º photos on our website or in the Elektro3’s app called Elektro3Stores available on IOS and Android platforms.


In this section you will find the most representative events Elektro3

Visit to our facilities by the Centre de Formació Novatècnia.

On Friday, February 9, we welcomed the students from the Centre de Formació Novatècnia as part of their training activities program.

visit to our facilities of the IFE of the Institut Lluís Domènech i Muntaner of Reus

visit to our facilities of the IFE of the Institut Lluís Domènech i Muntaner of Reus

Last Friday 24th January we received a visit to our facilities of the IFE of the Institut Lluís Domènech i Muntaner of Reus.  IFE is an acronym for Specific Training Itineraries, vocational training aimed at students with special educational needs.

Visit of the 2nd year students of the CFGS in Transport and Logistics of the "Institut Jaume Huguet de Valls"

Visit of the 2nd year students of the CFGS in Transport and Logistics of the "Institut Jaume Huguet de Valls"

On Wednesday 22nd January, we received the visit of the 2nd year students of the CFGS in Transport and Logistics of the "Institut Jaume Huguet de Valls", within the programme of activities of the "XV Jornades Joves i Empresa".