Elektro3 is awarded second prize in Internationalization in the II Pyme Awards of the year of Tarragona 2018.

Thanks to the daily effort, dedication, work and commitment of all the people that make up this great family, the Chamber of Commerce of Spain together with Banco Santander and La Vanguardia, have awarded Elektro3 with this distinction in the Internalization second award.

For all the Elektro3 team it is a great pride to receive it and continue with the commitment acquired during all these years


In this section you will find the most representative events Elektro3

Visit to our facilities by the Centre de Formació Novatècnia.

On Friday, February 9, we welcomed the students from the Centre de Formació Novatècnia as part of their training activities program.

visit to our facilities of the IFE of the Institut Lluís Domènech i Muntaner of Reus

visit to our facilities of the IFE of the Institut Lluís Domènech i Muntaner of Reus

Last Friday 24th January we received a visit to our facilities of the IFE of the Institut Lluís Domènech i Muntaner of Reus.  IFE is an acronym for Specific Training Itineraries, vocational training aimed at students with special educational needs.

Visit of the 2nd year students of the CFGS in Transport and Logistics of the "Institut Jaume Huguet de Valls"

Visit of the 2nd year students of the CFGS in Transport and Logistics of the "Institut Jaume Huguet de Valls"

On Wednesday 22nd January, we received the visit of the 2nd year students of the CFGS in Transport and Logistics of the "Institut Jaume Huguet de Valls", within the programme of activities of the "XV Jornades Joves i Empresa".